Add Spending Limits For New Risk-Free Windows Azure Sign-Up

The new Windows Azure Trial accounts and MSDN Accounts are now completely risk-free given the institution of “spending limits”. By default all new trial accounts and newly provisioned MSDN benefits are created with a spending limit of $0. That means that if you exceed the monthly allotments of gratis services, your services will automatically be shut down and your storage placed in read-only mode until the next billing cycle. Then you can redeploy your services and take advantage of that month’s allotment (if any remains).

We do require you to enter a credit card (which helps verify your identity as a legitimate Azure users). But it will not be charged with the new default spending limit.

To see the steps, see Jim O’Neill’s post The New, Improved No-Risk Windows Azure Trial. He shows how you can sign up in just a few steps.

This is courtesy of the December release of Windows Azure has unveiled a new Windows Azure site and sign-up experience. In the past, one of the biggest concerns and roadblocks was that you could overspend on your free trial.

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About Christian Longstaff

Hi. I work for Microsoft Australia as the Azure Business Development Manager, helping partners grow their businesses with the Microsoft Cloud platform. I have been with the company for over 12 years in various partner facing, business development and technical marketing roles. This blog covers a variety of topics but I am especially interested in Partners adopting, selling, developing and supporting Microsoft Azure, but also any software, services and communities. I would love to hear from you if you have a great powered-by-Azure example, especially around Mobile, Social Media Apps or Websites. To contact me, please email christian dot longstaff at microsoft dot com