Loving the Big Picture!


I had a great time at the Big Picture in Melbourne and Sydney is tomorrow. No event is ever perfect, but the team did a great job creating this new style of event. I really hope we continue this format in the future.

Here are some tips to get the most out of the event:

1) Review the Agenda and Sessions and if there’s a session you like, get in quick. The early sessions full up quickly. Or hang out until the afternoon as there’s plenty of room. Download the full agenda | Download the event guide

2) When you arrive, make a note of the areas you’re interested in and see which Microsoft people are in the room. If you need an introduction, please shout.

3) If you’re with a colleague, maybe split up as you’ll cover more ground.

4) Preinstall a QR code readeron your device so you can build your digital back pack.

5) Create yourself an electronic business tag using a QR code generator or Microsoft tag, especially if you don’t have any business cards handy :)

6) If you have a question or can’t find someone, please let one of us know.

Cloud is featured at the event, both in the Mission Control (how to manage your infrastructure) and the Productivity areas. Hope to see you there!

Event website is: http://www.microsoft.com/australia/thebigpicture

Pictures from the event are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/microsoftaustralia/

[Update: Tim Buntel has uploaded his slides to his slideshare]

How SaaS Changes and ISVs Business Model

David Chappell, Principal of Chappell & Associates in San Francisco, visited Australia last month to deliver his latest Cloud deck. Part of this presentation was “How SaaS Changes and ISVs Business Model”. David has also recommended some additional reading and recorded a number of short videos to help think through some of the challenges ISVs face when creating software as a service.

Video Series: How SaaS Changes an ISV’s Business, David Chappell

Further reading:

Windows Azure Conf: 14 November 2012

AzureConf Logo

November 14, 2012
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM PST (which is 3am for Aussies according to timeanddate.com)
Channel 9
Download the .ICS file and add it to your schedule

The Windows AzureConf web site will be updated continually between now and the event, so check the site regularly for session list updates or information pertaining to the event. On the day of the event, the Windows AzureConf web site will have a direct link to the Channel 9 site for the event and hopefully an on demand version for when Australia wakes up.

Get on the Platform
With Windows AzureConf coming to introduce you to creative ways in which Windows Azure can help solve your enterprise, mobile, virtualization, and web development challenges, this is the best time to sign up for a free Windows Azure account. To sign up for a free trial account and to have access to numerous free resources such as Windows Azure Web Sites, click here.

Get Prepared
If you’re new to Windows Azure development and want to get up to speed prior to the event, take a look at the Windows Azure Training Kit. The Training Kit contains dozens of excellent resources on Windows Azure Web Sites, Mobile Services, the Windows Azure Service Bus, Windows Azure Storage, and much more.

Get the Tools
To start developing applications for Windows Azure, visit the Windows Azure Developer Center. It contains a wealth of information on developing Windows Azure solutions using a variety of technologies. Whether you’re using Microsoft.NET, PHP, Node.js, or Python to develop custom web applications, or you’re a mobile solutions developer, there’s information and development resources available.