Partner Summit 2013 Cloud Resources

We have just completed our Australian tour for the 2013 Partner Summits.
During our Business Transformation Workshops, many partners asked for a summary of resources.

This entry was posted in Apps, Azure, Cloud, Events, Office 365, Training by Christian Longstaff. Bookmark the permalink.

About Christian Longstaff

Hi. I work for Microsoft Australia as the Azure Business Development Manager, helping partners grow their businesses with the Microsoft Cloud platform. I have been with the company for over 12 years in various partner facing, business development and technical marketing roles. This blog covers a variety of topics but I am especially interested in Partners adopting, selling, developing and supporting Microsoft Azure, but also any software, services and communities. I would love to hear from you if you have a great powered-by-Azure example, especially around Mobile, Social Media Apps or Websites. To contact me, please email christian dot longstaff at microsoft dot com